

#community #living_painting #bodypositiv #aesthetic-lovers #eros+_space 


Intention of Naked Feasts Events

Let’s take of layer by layer with a mature mindset of self-responsibility. We allow to refine our understanding of our erotic energy throw beauty, sensuousness and relaxment within a community-created safer space. With that arises playfulness and creativity. Genital touch is not permitted to ensure acting on conditionings.

Feel free to let happen erection/arousal spontaneously – don‘t attempt to consciously control it. Simply stay aware.

Who is welcome?!
You want to relax into nudity without sexual pressure/being sexualized? (more details see ‚Guidelines’👇🏽) We love it like in nature: diversity and complexity is the norm. feel welcome identitying as cis, lgbtqia+, flinta and quirky quings or don’t identify at all;-)


  • naked togetherness in a cozy, decadent Salon
  • we gather around the big table and create a living-painting by nourishing all senses with the poetry of food, words and just being naturally ourselves
  • ritualized, guided sequences
  • Capacity of tickets is limited to 30 spots

About the Event

You will be welcomed personally. In the main hall, we come together, celebrating the natural state of our birth. And food on skin as we gather around the large cherry wood table – on it beautiful foodcreations, ripe fruits and innocent bodies that offer to be used as a decorative playground. Let’s playfully create nourishing memories with people that may become our family of choice.


Salon für Sinnlichkeiten👈🏼 Leipzig

Wo, wenn nicht in Ritual & Spiel,

werden Unschuld und Schönheit geboren?

What generally to expect

personal, safe welcome

We start together 7.30, you leave when you wish

guided opening with the intention of self-connection

Maybe performance, dancing, chatting

variety of experiences for watching or participating voluntarily

special closing

Dress Code

full nudity / you can wear accessories / no shoes / menstruating bodies welcome to wear undies


Doors open at 7pm and close at 7.30pm (no exceptions made). Evening latest finishes at 1a.m.

Note by the founder of NAKED SOCIETY LEIPZIG

„I am Frauke Diótima. I am on a spiritual journey of white & red Tantra Yoga. I enjoy how my soul is getting naked and I desire community. Experiencing myself in an erotic-positiv space, were I have not been sexualised, was for me THE biggest inner shift into innocent playfulness. So I invite you to come together with the intention to create a community-space of high energy, beauty and self-observation of one’s own conditioning. And ultimately being key to each other for liberation and celebration of who you are. I am grateful to fusion my experiences of Tantra Teachings, Participatory Ritual Studies, The Naked Tea Party Berlin, WeFeast Berlin, Abramovic and others…“

(*more backstory on Diótima)


Nakedness As Self-Expression

We come together to celebrate nakedness as a form of self-acceptance and natural expression. Erotic naked Performance and Sensuality will be part of the experience.


This experience is designed as a social event to explore your social & erotic identity. What does that mean? You don’t have to feel sexy, horny or whatever. Let nakedness speak for itsself. It will be exciting enough;-)

Besides sharing nakedness, the potential for you is to dive deeper into your senses and to allow erotic energy to raise in your entire bodysystem – you hopefully will get back home energetically nourished and loaded.


Abstinence from drugs and explicitly sexual activity: ‚No intercourse, no oral, no genital finger play. So what CAN you do? sensual play, being silly or creative, tender kissing, caressing, cuddling, tools, licking skin and all you playfully discover.

We welcome signs of arousal – no shame. Just don’t act on it.

Consent & Boundaries

Participation is entirely voluntary. Respecting individual boundaries and receiving explicit consent is key. Make sure you obtain a verbal yes before engaging in any interaction. More on Consent ->

Safety & Respect

We do have these Guidelines which has everybody to confirm in the application-process. So we all share the ambition to create an atmosphere of respect and kindness. Take it slow! Care for each other. No matter how experienced you may be: triggers can always happen – you may consider to be joined by somebody you trust and feel safe with.

NOTE: we can not promise this is a safe space for you – make sure you share the mindset that we all are part of a collective learning experience. Show up with a sense of self-responsibility, a capacity to be aware of your boundaries and the ability to ask for help. If someone doesn’t follow the guideline, please notify them. Find the team for any form of support at any time while the event is happening.

Cost Transparency

Our Vision is to create a community based on regular events and engaging talented artists/performers. The costs include paying taxes, use of space, paying the artists/performers , food & decoration. Surplus will be reinvested into future NAKED SOCIETY EVENTS.

Options of Contribution

22€ – Team/Helper: for people who would like support with 5h before and mainly after the event (cleaning the day after) We will get in touch with you.

42€ – CoCreator: do you feel passionate about the idea, to bring vegan/vegetarian food to the big table this feast-night, that makes the other guests melt by just looking at it? here is an 👉 inspiration-board

89€ – JustNaked spots: We are grateful if you add beauty to the space by bringing beautiful flowers or your favorite fruits as they grow naturally

Refund Policy

Another person can apply for your ticket until 2 days prior to the event. Except (!) Helper-spots.


  1. You Check-In👈🏽 with your thoughtful answers. Wait up to 3 days for receiving a personal link forreservation.
  2. Reserve your preferred option of contribution and claim it within 24h via PayPal. Always connect it with 1. your full name and 2. the date of the event. After 24h your checkin expires. We confirm your spot after payment.


Upcoming NAKED Events




„Spec-tac-ular!“ Everybody remember this rose-scene in American beauty. What probably nobody knows… in antic Italy existed kind of a „generosity-battle“ between hedonistic friends by spending huge amounts on flowers to drown their friends in a bath of flowers. Roses are extra-special flowers: they have the highest plant-frequency human know on earth that give them precious healing-aspects. Icebathing was yesterday;-)